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Application for Admission

Seven Acres Montessori Mission Statement

  • To respect children as self-directed individuals and foster their growth toward independence and social responsibility.  
  • To adhere to the philosophy of Dr. Maria Montessori and maintain the standard of the Association Montessori Internationale.
  • To create a joyful, diverse, family-oriented community, which provides an atmosphere that supports the growth of the child.
  • To inspire the child to live both passionately and compassionately in a global community.
Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format

10 Digits - Numbers only (Must contain only numbers)

10 Digits - Numbers only (Must contain only numbers)
Parent 2 Home Address - If same as Child, select YES and leave address fields blank

Family status:required
List children in order, oldest to youngest, separate each name with a comma.​​​
Date format mm/dd/yyyy - Same order as noted above, separate each DOB with a comma.​
Separate each name with a comma
­Have any siblings/relatives attended Seven Acres Montessori?required

Child's General Health

Does your child have any allergies:required
Has your child had any serious injuries or illnesses?required

Language Ability

Does your child talk?required
One-word sentences?required
Full sentences?required
Does your child use a bottle or pacifier?required
Is there more than one language spoken in the home? (if so, please list)required

Behavior -  Please describe the following:


Will you be applying for a Variable Tuition rate?required

How did you learn about Seven Acres Montessori?:

How did you hear about our school?requiredSAM = Seven Acres Montessori
SAM = Seven Acres Montessori
Please enter the name of the person who referred you to Seven Acres Montessori.​​​
If you selected "other", please note how you learned about our school​​.​

Application Fee - $60

Step 1:  Please complete the fields below. 
Step 2:  Credit Card processing

After completing this form and selecting SUBMIT, the credit card processing form will become available.

Keep your Internet browser open to complete the Credit Card form, required to complete the registration process.

Thank you!

Application Fee $60required

Terms & Conditions

By checking box below & SUBMIT on this form, I agree with the information provided within this form and agree with the *payment terms.

* Payment for Seven Acres Montessori Application Fee

Terms and Conditionsrequired

Select SUBMIT to complete submission and begin credit card payment.
* A confirmation email will be sent to you, with the details entered on this form.
* Pop-up (below) will display confirming your credit card transaction. Click OK.

Any questions?  Please click here to email Admissions Thank you!

Seven Acres Montessori encourages and highly values active parent participation in the life and health of the community. Seven Acres Montessori does not discriminate against any person in admissions, financial aid, program involvement, employment, or otherwise because of race, religion, age, gender, natural origin, disability or sexual orientation.

In order for this Application to be activated and registered through the Office of Admissions, payment must be received with submission. 
Keep your Internet browser open as the Credit Card payment form will launch after submission of this form.

Payment Information

Provide an email address for the receipt.

Please complete captcha below to proceed to payment selection.

Please select a payment typerequired
Billing Addressrequired
Cardholder Namerequired